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Where do attorneys turn when they need to make a compelling case on a critical financial issue? That question can be answered by considering what kind of expert witness they employ. In Expert Witness Profiler’s (August 2013) compilation of accounting expert witnesses who were mentioned in court opinions or decisions in 2013, the vast majority were CPAs. Among the 189 accounting experts cited, 166 were CPAs. For those with specialized credentials in addition to the CPA, the AICPA’s Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) and Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) credentials were clearly preferred over those of other organizations. In fact, the CFF credential took the #2 spot at 58 experts and the ABV credential took #3 with 54 testifying experts.

Per another publication, authored by attorneys of the law firm Rhoads & Sinon LLP, “…CPAs as expert witnesses have become an invaluable asset to all attorneys who work in the field of complex commercial litigation—with the CPA having the ability to make or break any case. The roles these experts play expand much further than the trial itself, with the CPA proving to be most valuable when brought into the case at its earliest stages.”

It is not surprising that CPAs are the top choice when an expert witness is needed to testify. CPAs have ranked among the most trusted professionals for years and their reputation for objectivity and independence make them ideal expert witnesses.

First Coast Capital has supported numerous law firms by providing critical insight and credible testimony in all phases of litigation from discovery through trial. Following are some of the credentials of our professional team:

Please contact us at (904) 219-8460 or wrl@firstcoastcapital.com for more information or to discuss a particular case or legal matter involving financial / accounting issues.